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Snapchat gay porn stars

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Next came a photo of his cat, followed by a fully clothed selfie, as well as a shot of some camera lenses and a water bottle full of red-colored liquid. While we were still on the phone, he sent the first photo, posing with a bottle of Cholula hot sauce and the caption 'Yay I'm snapping!!!!' He had drawn on an eyepatch and some facial hair for good measure. He's a porn star, my friends reminded me  it's his job to expose himself to the world. I was wary of opening my phone in public.

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Still, I was wary of opening my phone in public. (A selection of his recent tweets: tacos, traffic and coffee.) The desire to learn how to use Snapchat was rooted in a similar principle: It would give him another way to lob random nuggets of wisdom out into the ether.

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The snaps: Deen uses social media in much the same way non-porn performers do: to talk about the boring details of his everyday life.

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